Press & Reviews

You have a inquisitive mind. You have read what we and our customers say about us, but you want to read what others say. It is good to be thorough. I myself was very hesitant about putting anything at all on my Emily's skin, that is why I created these products. Emily still uses them daily, so I can assure you that they are made of the highest quality ingredients. But, you do not have to take our word for it. You can read the following articles and product reviews from outside sources and decide for yourself.


Emily Skin Soothers Super Dry review on the 'Mommy Archives' YouTube channel. (07/02/15)


Mike Arsenault on Chanel 7 News
Channel 7 News, the local NBC affiliate interviews   Mike about Emily Skin Soothers. (8/28/07)







Product Reviews

Here are online reviews of our products from outside sources who had nothing to gain by posting their opinions and reviews of the products. We hope that if you use our products you will consider reviewing them in the future.


Skin Deep 

- Cosmetic Safety Database: This database is part of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, which we have voluntarily signed. It evaluates product ingredients and rates cosmetic products on a scale of 0-10 for safety. A zero indicates low or no known health risks while a 10 indicates real dangers of health risks and side effects. All of the Emily Skin Soothers products have rated a score of ZERO (low hazard).

Sustain Lane 

- A site that reviews natural and   organic products and businesses. A good resource.   People have reviewed both our soap and skin   soothers.

Product and Service Review Blogspot 

- A New Site   by a Woman's Magazine writer. She reviews   products and business services for free as a service   to consumers. 8/23/07

There will be more to come. In the meanwhile, I hope this information has helped you in making a decision to try our products. If you still are not sure, look at our Customer Service page to see our guarantee. Hoping to help you with you and your family's skin care needs.

Mike Arsenault
Emily Skin Soothers, Inc.